Posted in : "2023 - April"
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Posted in : "2023 - April"

  • Frequent questions about catalytic converter regeneration
    Frequent questions about catalytic converter regeneration
    1 Comment

    The Kateko company offers a catalytic converter regeneration service that involves welding a new catalytic converter insert into the original housing (manifold). For regeneration we use products from AWG Polonez, HJS and RM Motors. .

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  • What are the symptoms of a clogged catalytic converter?
    What are the symptoms of a clogged catalytic converter?
    2497 Views Liked

    Katalizator to jeden z droższych elementów całego układu wydechowego samochodu. Jest to element dość trwały, którego uszkodzenie nie występuje zbyt często. Czasem jednak w trakcie eksploatacji pojazdu katalizator zostaje zapchany. Jakie są objawy takiej awarii? Jak sobie z tym radzić?

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  • What is a catalyst?
    What is a catalyst?
    859 Views Liked

    Catalysts (another term: catalytic converter, reactor) perform extremely important functions in the exhaust systems of vehicles equipped with internal combustion engines. Although they are not items of equipment held in special esteem by motorists, it is worth realizing that in new designs adapted to the presence of a reactor in the system, its absence will certainly cause the opposite of the expected effects. It will not improve performance, and may even cause negative legal consequences....

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