Jaguar XJ 3.0L V6 2013-2018
Our offer involves the regeneration of catalytic converters by welding a new metal insert into the original casing. The dimensions of the insert (120/100 mm) have been optimally adjusted to fit this specific car model in terms of diameter and length. It complies with EURO 5 emission standards. The sporty catalytic converter insert used features a flow capacity of 200 cpsi. The vehicle can achieve better performance, increased power, and smoother acceleration. The sporty catalytic converter insert is an ideal solution for customers seeking a balance between performance and compliance with emission standards.
The insert has been manufactured by the renowned RFC company and possesses all the necessary certifications. Additionally, we offer a warranty for a period of 12 months or up to 50,000 km mileage.
Regeneration is completed within one day, and we return the catalytic converter ready for installation. When sending your catalytic converter to us, please fill out the form:
Don't forget to address the underlying cause of accelerated insert wear. If wear occurs faster than standard, potential causes may include oil or fuel entering the exhaust system. Additionally, if you have a gas installation that is not properly adjusted, it can contribute to faster wear of the original ceramic inserts, which are not resistant to higher gas combustion temperatures.
If you feel confident, you can also replace the insert yourself, which you can purchase at the following link:
For the rear catalytic converter, you can use a replacement with lower emission standards, which will lower the overall regeneration cost:
Original Equipment (OE) Numbers: