- W203/S203 C180/C200/C230
- W204/S204/CL204 C180/C200/C230
- CL203 C160/C180/C200/C230/CLC180/CLC200
- A209/S209 CLK200
- W211/S211 E200
R171 SLK200
The subject of the offer is catalytic converter regeneration consisting in welding a new metal catalytic converter insert into the original housing. The dimensions of the insert are optimally matched to this car in terms of diameter and length and are 167/119/110 mm. The cartridge's emission standard is Euro 4 and the capacity is 500 cpsi. The manufacturer of the cartridge is a well-known Polish company Polonez AWG and the cartridge has all the necessary approvals and a 12-month warranty
Regeneration we do in one day and send you a catalytic converter ready for installation.
Sending the catalytic converter to us, fill out the form :
Don't forget also to remove the reason for the faster wear of the cartridge, if its wear occurred faster than the standard cause may be oil or fuel entering the exhaust system. If you have installed a gas system and in addition it is not too well regulated it also contributes to faster wear of the original ceramic cartridges, which are not resistant to the higher temperature of gas combustion.
If you feel up to it, you can also replace the cartridge yourself, which you can buy at the link below:
You need to cut the original housing and weld the cartridge in place of the original with the entire housing. The insert should be installed according to the arrow engraved on the insert housing, which indicates the direction of the flue gas flow.
OE original number:
- A2711401409 KT0212
- A2711400209 KT0200
- A2711403009 KT0267
- A2711402309 KT0201
- A2711402109 KT0212
- A2711402709 KT0242