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And it was so nice, American ... ;-)
They drive such in the States Policemen, 305 horses, there is something to chase, although even faster is the 3.5 ecoboost 365 horses. Cool or not it also breaks down and sometimes something needs to be fixed. One of the catalytic converters needs to be replaced. It's a V6 so there are two but one of them was mechanically damaged and at the same time there was a bug for too little catalytic converter efficiency. Usually in a V6 or V8 I replace two cartridges at once but due to the young vintage and low mileage the customer decided to leave the second catalytic converter alone, it works so let it drive. 2018 vintage so necessarily Euro 6. The ideal fit was a cartridge with a diameter of 110 mm and a length of 100 mm - https://kat-eko.com/pl/uniwersalne/354-1572-wklad-katalizatora-uniwersalny-euro-6-awg-5904347525637.html#/37-dlugosc_wkladu-100_mm/47-srednica_wkladu-110_mm/59-norma_euro-euro_6. Metal insert resistant to gas, although I do not remember if the customer mentioned anything about lpg. Anyway, it is known that gas is nothing good for catalytic converters, so we use metal inserts that are also resistant to mechanical damage. As standard, we cut evenly on a band saw and tig weld. We put covers on and the trace is gone. Regeneration within an hour, we send the shipment back the same day.
1. before regeneration
2. removed cover
3. cutting catalytic converter
4. catalytic converter after cutting
5. matching cartridge
6. welding the insert
7. welded insert
8. welded housing
9. assembled housing
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